Sunday 2 November 2014

Cats vs. Dogs

Ahh, the ancient battle that shall be waged on for an eternity. Their battle is one that has been debated for millenniums and yet we still have not found an answer. Well, not to worry everyone for I shall reveal all....  So, while we wait for the inevitable Dogpocalypse and Catmageddon, you should probably know why cats are better than dogs.

1. Cats are clean. I personally think that this one is a deal breaker. Firstly, cats can be litter trained. Cats naturally are clean animals. They will go in there, do their business and won''t rest until their mess is covered up and there's no trace of it. They'll smell the area to make sure that you can't smell it. See how gracious they are? Cats bury their poop. Dogs dig up poop and act like they hit a gold mine. Dogs demand to be walked out and do their business outside while you pick it up. What if it's raining? Nope, no excuse. Cats are leash-less. They don’t require walking and they're great lap-warmers. Cats NEED to be clean. They generally smell better than dogs. You know it's called 'dog breath' for a reason.

2. Cats commonly use their lateral thinking skills to solve massively complex logic puzzles such as the classic “inaccessible toy mouse beyond the door” brain-teaser. Once more, cats are much more thoughtful. Have you noticed why cats go in a box? Here, a cat philosopher contemplates the difficult problem of whether we are always already part of an immersive totality or whether we are perceiving subjects in a world full of objects. Now that's a genius. We should all go and explore the feline exploratory methods. I mean, have you seen their yoga moves?!

3. Cats are a natural insect repellent. Forget the expensive gels and sprays. Half the time, they don't even work. But get a cat, and voila! By the next week, you will have no arthropod encounters of any kind. They're natural born exterminators. And all for free!

4. Two words: Laser Pointer. Even better than TV. That dancing pinpoint turned cat play into a fast-forward ballet. Cats never tire of racing after that elusive speck. Slapping hopeful paws over it, they're baffled when it seems to escape. I swear, this will hold you for hours.

5. Cats are braver. It is an old and wise adage that “even the most fearsome footwear is no match for a determined cat.” Cats are vigilant guards. Why do you think they sleep so much in the day? They need to watch out for you all night.

6. Cats look better in selfies. They're photogenic. It's a fact. Just try it.

7. Cats also make better fashion choices than dogs -- have you seen some of the outfits dogs allow themselves to be seen in? But no self-respecting feline would don a hot pink hoodie without clawing it to ribbons first. 

8. No sound in the world rivals a cat's purr. Cat purrs are scientifically proven to be medically therapeutic for many diseases. Cat owners have 40% less risk of heart attacks. Petting a purring cat calms down, lowers stress and blood pressure. No wonder cats just come and sit on your work demanding to be pet. They want you to be stress free and happy.

9. Cats are funnier than dogs, even if they don't know it themselves. Cats have a total of 30,400,000 monthly Google searches. GASP! More than Kim Kardashian! Cats go viral more than any other animal. Marketing campaigns even you them to add visual and humorous elements.  They have become an international phenomenon. We have created weapons of mass cuteness and we've been doing it for 10,000 years. There’s something about the cat video that transcends language and transcends culture, And it’s more than simple entertainment, because people feel such a strong connection.There’s definitely something much deeper to it. I mean, we've even got cat celebs. Anyone don't know Lil BUB. 

10. Cats will age gracefully with you, they will learn and change and grow as you learn and change and grow, and they will comfort and support you throughout the entirety of your life. They're loyal till the end. That's one of the most important things you look for in a friend. 

Dogs are winning the battle but cats are winning the war!

1 comment:

  1. Rasha! How did ever miss this excellent post? Very well written.
